Special Religious Education (SRE)

Saltbush Church provides SRE classes to a number of local schools in the Broken Hill area.

The SRE curriculum authorised by Saltbush Evangelical Church is:

CEP Connect Cycle A, B, & C (Yr1- Yr 6; Infants, Lower Primary and Upper Primary)

CEP Connect Beginning with God (Kindergarten)


The curriculum overview, scope and sequence can be found online at https://cepconnect.com.au/curriculum

SRE Teacher Requirements and Training for Initial Authorisation and Ongoing Training:

Initial Requirements and Training

  • A committed Christian who is a regular attender of Saltbush or a member of Saltbush

  • Working With Children Check number obtained and verified or Volunteer Authorisation Form completed if under the age of 18

  • Criminal Offence Declaration Form signed and returned

  • Child Protection Training Completed - either Safe Ministry Essentials/Refresher or Safe Ministry Check, or Creating Safe Spaces or Department of Education Mandatory Child Protection Training Course (page 7) which includes mandatory reporting training.

  • Introduction to SRE (ICCORIES agreed training framework, Appendix 2) Modules 1-5 & 7 Completed - either SRE Essentials or Christian SRE ‘Primary School SRE teacher training for Combined Arrangements’ online course

  • Be given the Saltbush SRE Handbook

  • Read the following Documents and Policies, sign and return form

        • Saltbush’s Safe Ministry Policy

        • Saltbush’s Code of Conduct for Working with Children and Youth

        • Department of Education Code of Conduct Awareness

        • Social Media Policy Summary

        • Whiteboard training

        • Use of additional resources

        • Complaints Process

        • Expectations of ongoing training

  • Authorisation Name Badge filled in and signed by Minister

  • Provide date of birth and contact details to the SRE Coordinator (for inclusion in the Authorisation letter for the school)

  • Fill in Personal Record as requirements and training are met

  • Lesson observation as an assistant in class (period of time negotiated with coordinator depending on experience and confidence).

  • Prepare and teach a lesson (module 6) with an observer and be given feedback from lesson. Not required for assistants only. This will need to be completed if the assistant begins to teach.

  • Wear Name Badge, carry photo ID, Sign In and Out and wear the school “Volunteer/Scripture/Visitor” lanyard provided by the schools every time on school premises

Ongoing Requirements and Training


    • Authorisation Name Badge filled in and signed by Minister

    • Update contact details (if necessary) to the SRE Coordinator

    • Reread Handbook documents and policies (from latest version of the Handbook)

    • Attend 4 SRE Team meetings that includes some training, especially in Child Protection and mandatory reporting, classroom management strategies and implementation of the curriculum

    • 1 lesson assessed by coordinator or another experienced teacher and feedback given (Appendix 7)

    • Fill in email survey and return to the Coordinator

    • Meet with Coordinator individually

    • Where possible, feedback from school staff who sit in on lessons


    • Safe Ministry Check (Awareness, Leaders and Supervisors Courses), Safe Ministry Essentials/Refresher or Creating Safe Spaces (every 3 years)

    • WWCC renewed and verified (every 5 years)

    • Fill in Personal Record (when necessary)

    • Re do 1-2 modules per year (after teaching for 3 years)

    • Discuss some of the Teaching Ideas in the back of the Connect Teachers’ Manual (apart of team meetings)

    • Recommended - Read “Children’s Ministry on the Front Foot” by Anglican Youthworks (once off)

    • Recommended - Read “God’s Big Picture” by Vaughan Roberts (once off)

Complaints Handling Process

1.    If a parent has a concern or question about SRE they are best to approach their child’s classroom teacher or the school.

2.    The classroom teacher or Principal will then contact the SRE teacher and/or SRE Co-ordinator to discuss the complaint.

1.    If the complaint can be easily resolved the classroom teacher/principal will inform the parent of the resolution. The SRE teacher informs the SRE Co-ordinator of the complaint and its resolution. If possible it is best that this be done within 7 days.

2.    If the complaint cannot be easily resolved, the SRE teacher will contact the SRE Co-ordinator to seek advice. This must be done within 48 hours. It is expected that steps be taken towards resolving the complaint within 7 days. The SRE Coordinator will meet with the Principal and will work together to address the issue.

SRE Co-ordinator

The SRE Co-ordinator for Saltbush Evangelical Church is Jo Kells. She can be contacted by email at: mandjk@iinet.net.au