• Our services follow the same general structure from week to week. We start at 4pm (although we allow a couple of extra minutes for anyone arriving late or settling their kids in creche) and then the Service Leader will welcome everyone, open with a Bible reading and short prayer, and then we’ll sing. The children will be invited to sit at the front on the floor to hear a Kids’ Talk, and then they’ll head out to their lesson. At this time, we take a quick break from the service and everyone will stand up, make a coffee, grab a snack from our food table and maybe say hello to a friend or chat with someone new. After about 5 minutes the Service Leader will call us back to our seats. There will be a Bible reading, followed by a sermon that will last around 30 minutes. After the sermon we’ll sing again, then someone will come up and pray. We sing one last song to end our “formal” time together, but we encourage everyone to stay behind to chat and keep meeting people. The service is usually over by about 5:15pm.

  • We never want you to feel pressured to participate in something you’re not comfortable with. During the music portions of our service, we stand and sing along to the words on the screen, but you’re welcome to just read along and listen if you don’t want to sing. You won’t be asked to speak or pray out loud. Once a month we include Communion as part of our church service. This is always explained from the front prior to taking place and is a special celebration for people who follow Jesus. If you don’t want to participate, you’re welcome to remain seated during that part of the service.

  • There is no dress code! Just wear something casual and comfortable.

  • Absolutely! We have dedicated volunteers who run a creche and a primary-age kids’ program. Check out our Kids and Youth page for more info. If your kids would prefer to sit with you during the service, that’s perfectly fine. We love having children as part of our service, so please don’t feel embarrassed if your little ones are making a bit of noise.

  • Good question! There are a few reasons why we think 4pm is a great time to meet for church in Broken Hill. Many of us find we need to travel long distances over the weekend. 4pm services mean we can still make it to church if we’ve been travelling all day on Sundays. It also means we can be more involved in our communities by participating in local sporting clubs. We don’t know what the future holds, and perhaps there will be a day when Saltbush has morning services too. Until then, we hope you’ll give 4pm church a try and see if you like it as much as we do!

  • We’d love that! If you’ve been attending Saltbush for a while and you want to get more involved in our church community, the first thing to do is join a Growth Group. These are weekly Bible study groups that meet in homes to study God’s word, pray together and share life together. Additionally, we’d love you to join a Serving Team. One of the best ways to feel connected at a church is to start serving, so feel free to let us know how you can serve at Saltbush.

  • You are so welcome at Saltbush, even if it’s just for a short time! We love making connections with all kinds of people from across Australia and the world. Broken Hill is an amazing place, so if you’re visiting on a student placement, working a short-term contract, travelling or visiting for any other reason, we’d love you to join us for as long or as short a time as you have. We hope we can encourage you from the Scriptures, and you will be a blessing for us too! We often have people join our Growth Groups for the few weeks that they’re in town. Let us know if you’d like us to help you get connected for the time you’re here in Broken Hill.